Drink Wiston this Festive Season
The festive season has begun! If you need a little help deciding what Wiston wines to taste this Christmas – whilst indulging in all the delicious festive foods, this is the blog for you. Our fantastic Production Team Manager, Tom Walker, has put together his suggested times to drink Wiston over the holidays! (Everything in moderation of course!)
20th – 21st December
Library Collection Blanc de Blancs 2010 – 20th December, Evening
That’s it, final day of work for the year. I think the only way to toast your years labour is by drinking simply the best Vintage English Sparkling wine there is on the market. Treat yourself!
Rosé 2018 – 21st December
Try this on the Winter Solstice to remind you the long dark nights are over and Summer is on it’s way. Summer in a glass, and realise that potential sunburn is only 12 weeks away.
24th December
Brut NV – 24th December, Evening
In 2016 Sam Allardyce brief stint as England Mens Football team manager was ended by a tabloid “Fake Sheik” operation. The strangest thing about the story to me was that he was drinking a pint of wine with his meal. I have always had a Chinese takeaway on Christmas Eve and I would drink this wine by the pint. It is absolutely stunning. I’ve worked at Wiston for 2 and a half years and have drunk it for 7 years. I would say right now the Brut NV is tasting the best I have ever known it to be!
The Twenty Six Pinot Noir 2022 – 24th December, Late evening
Once you’ve had your fill of prawn toast and Salt and Pepper Squid may I recommend curling up in front of the fire and giving yourself a hug with this well-balanced Pinot. A perfect way to ease you into the big day.
25th December
Blanc de Blancs NV – 25th December, Breakfast
I always have smoked salmon and scambled eggs on a bagel for my Christmas Day Breakfast. Traditionally I share a bottle of Fino Sherry with my Father, but if I am to drink all Wiston wine this Christmas then the Blanc de Blanc NV is the perfect wine to help cut through all that rich food.
Blanc de Noirs 2014 – 25th December, Lunch
The main event. It’s been really interesting to observe this wine evolving in my time here at Wiston. It’s got heaps of truffle and super ripe fruit. There are two schools of thought when it comes to pairing wine with your Christmas Day Lunch. Either complement or Refresh. For me, this offers both a complimentary savoury tone that a Red Burgundy or Claret may offer but has a really clean refreshing finish that say a Chablis would offer. You won’t regret serving this for lunch.
25th – 26th December
Blanc de Blancs 2018 – 25th December, Evening
Eaten too much? Well, this is the wine to take off the edge. It’s so finely poised and balanced it will relieve in a manner the Rennie marketing department could only dream of. Paired best with a lot of discarded Celebrations/Miniature heroes/ Quality street wrappers stuffed into pockets and down sofas to lie to yourself that you’ve actually only had 3 chocolates.
Tank Five Pinot Gris 2023 – 26th December, Lunch
Maybe you’re getting together with wider family members, maybe it’s time to walk off the excesses of Christmas day. When I tried this wine I was immediately transported to a fridge full of leftovers on boxing day. Genuinely this wine paired with leftover cold roast potatoes is the food pairing I am most sure of in our entire range.
28th – 31st December
Rosé NV – 28-29th December – Anytime
“In-be-twixtmas” those fews days between Christmas and New Years Eve where not a lot is going on. Back in my twenties, Friends and I would always reconvene in London for Big Lebowski day. We’d get together drink White Russians and watch the movie. Alas, we are now spread far across the country so occasions to day drink are few and far between. But if you were to get a chance to lie around in your pyjamas; drink this lovely fruity number whilst toasting the Dude.
Library Cuvée 2009 – 31st December
When I tasted this wine I just wanted to eat ALL the cheese. When I say all, I don’t mean a lot, I mean ALL the cheese. My favourite dinner is a “picky tea”; Baked camembert, warm bread, good butter, Charcuterie, pickles, chutneys & whatever cheese we also have in. This works for New Years Eve catering too and I couldn’t think of a better wine to pair with this food and toast the new year ahead. So rich and complex.
1st – 2nd January
Fifty Summers Rosé 2022 – 1st January – Breakfast
Just simply a lovely breakfast wine ( assuming you’ve had a lie until midday).
Cuvée 2016 – 2nd January
Christmas is over and you’re back to work. Then you must simply have something to look forward to at the end of your day. The Cuvée 2016 is a rich and luscious tipple to ease you into the first working week of the year. After all everyone knows dry January doesn’t start until the 6th this year!